Thursday, January 1, 2009

All Doubts Fade


I gaze into mirrored places
sometimes, not recognizing
the many faces of me
Awed by simple relevance
apposite within the moment
Gentle golden heart, mended
Infinite capacity of emotion
looking back at me
Holding myself in protective layers
while they slowly peel away,
along with the tougher times,
every day
Influenced by many loves
from years of seeking
the one
who understands me
who embraces me
Overlooking the flaws
of beauty fading on the outside
looking in
At the same time
I notice how self-love
brilliantly shines
in beauty present,
envisioning the truth
through the sands of time
all of those years which do not fade

The lines dissolve
...and I'm amazed

Smiling, knowing
time is only relevant
to those with no warmth
or intelligence
Reminded every single day
of the gift of knowledge
of life
as I embrace
so many different faces
Coming together as one
under the sun.