Monday, January 12, 2009


Surging beyond shadows
gripping my attention
running rampant as the wind blows


Silohuettes imagined
discovery of the flesh

perchance to touch

Uncharted moments
Never in repose

The search goes on
Quiet decadence in the making
Sweet indulgence in this state of haste

Luxuriating responses
which seem to resound from nowhere

somewhere deep inside

We cannot hide

Instinct controls every movement
We see what our hearts see

Eyes take in, bodies respond

Perpetuating chemistry
through momentary lapses in reason

Oh how thankful I am
for this slight deviance

How alone would alone feel
if we solely followed logic

never risking
never knowing
never seeing

never feeling
never experiencing

always playing it safe
always protecting what may die
through risk of pain

and recede further away
then disappear

with our hearts



